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A Real Story About Imam Sahib

A Real Story About Maulvi Sahib

Maulvi Sahib lived in a village.We usually assume that Maulvi Sahib has only blessings, so we fix his salary at Rs. 3 to 5 thousand per month. Maulvi Sahib had no other source of income. He lived in a village and his livelihood was very difficult.A kind-hearted feudal lord also lived in the same village, so he donated a piece of land to Maulvi Sahib.

i>Na ker maulvi</i> - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Maulvi Sahib used to cultivate wheat and when the crop was green he was very happy to see it, so most of the day he would sit in the field and be happy to see the crop.
But suddenly a sudden trouble surrounded Maulvi Sahib
A stray donkey from the village saw the way to the field. The donkey began to graze in the field every day.
Maulvi Sahib first gave small alms but the donkey was not forbidden.
Then he started reciting different surah’s and started blowing but the donkey still did not touch him.
One day a distraught donkey was watching the harvest when a farmer passed by. Seeing the donkey grazing, the farmer asked

Maulvi Sahib! You are a strange man. The donkey is destroying the crop and you are sitting hand in hand. Maulvi Sahib asked, "Sir, where am I sitting hand in hand?"

So far, I have given alms for a hen and a kid, and since yesterday I have read and breathed half of the Qur'an, but the donkey "does not move, I think this donkey is also a kaafir" which is not affected by anything. The farmer had a stick in his hand. He went straight to the donkey and hit the donkey with the sticks. The donkey ran away like a deer. The farmer came out of the field and handed over the stick to Maulvi Sahib

Maulvi Sahib Qur'an was not revealed to drive away donkeys. Allah Almighty has sent this staff to drive away the donkeys. We Pakistanis are also a strange nation. Our wretched rulers play with our faith every day. Life expectancy of Muslims is getting worse day by day and we want to get rid of these donkeys only through prayers and alms and new status.
From asking for votes from Mirza Masroor Lain Qadiani in London, Main Atif Qadiani being a member of the Special Economic Council, holding a procession of Qadianis in his government for the first time in Pakistan, allotment of land in Islamabad and Sindh, Qadiani infidels in Faisalabad. Firing on Muslims, releasing the accursed Shatim Rasool Asiya and then going to Europe to take credit for it, giving official protocol to the Qadiani delegation, PTI female member of the National Assembly speaking in favor of Israel in Parliament and now Making Qadiani infidel’s members of the minority commission...

Remember! As long as the nation does not use the stick to get rid of these tyrannical looters, these donkeys will continue to plunder all the resources of the country and the nation and the Muslims. And they will continue to tease you with the spirit of faith day by day.

ختم نبوت.....


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